Embark on a healing journey with Devi Kalikanath. Through her channeling of Kaal Yogi's energy, she will facilitate healing by dissolving mental, emotional, and physical obstacles. Following the healing session, you can anticipate an improved sense of well-being and reduced anxiety or distress associated with any ongoing concerns.
Within the healing session, you are welcome to pose questions ahead of time and specify particular issues you'd like Devi Kalikanath to address.
If you've received a Personal Akashic Record reading, we recommend taking a minimum 10-day break after your session to gather additional questions or any lingering uncertainties. During this time, make an effort to initiate the short-term and cost-effective remedies recommended by Kaalyogi. After this waiting period, you can then contemplate booking a Channeling/Healing Q&A session with Kalikanath, where your questions will be addressed, doubts clarified, and you'll receive healing as needed.